• Running free with Roxy

    Running free with Roxy

    This is my sister Roxy and when we’re together we have a lot of fun. Yesterday we were going out to the sand dunes nearby where I live with my family when she came to visit me with her Bosses. Boy did we have fun! We met dozens of other dogs and we ran around […]

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  • Happy New Year

    Happy New Year

    Wow, that was quite a night! People stayed up playing card games and drinking throughout the night til dawn and they all wanted cuddles at midnight and then the fireworks started that went on til deep in the night.

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  • It’s Serious

    It’s Serious

    The other day, when we were doing Walkies, I accidentally stepped in a bit of broken glass and hurt my Paw, it was bleeding. Back inside Big Boss cleaned it and disinfected the wound but just so there wouldn’t be any confusion about how serious it was I decided to play it a little and limp with my behind leg.

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  • The Goodie Bag

    The Goodie Bag

    Here’s me being happy with a new ball I got, you can just see I am smiling in this picture. Today Little Boss and I had an unboxing session as CaroCroc sent me a Goodie Bag!

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  • The beach in France

    The beach in France

    This year we went on a holiday with Ollie to the north of France in the Dunkerque area. And naturally we wanted to take him to the beach so he could have a swim in the sea, Ollie loves water. Before we went on our trip we looked on the internet to find out if Ollie was allowed to run free and this is what we found.

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  • Fun on the street

    Fun on the street

    In the past week the street where I live with my Family has been busier than it usually is, they call this Avondvierdaagse which means Four Evening Walk where they walk through the city in a long row, play loud music and cheer.

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  • Gone swimming

    Gone swimming

    Lately the weather has improved, temperature is getting higher and so we -the Boss and I that is- can be found outside more often. He takes me on little trips and let met run free and I can tell you that is great fun, especially when I get to meet other dogs and mates from the neighbourhood.

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  • Paws up for the Boss!

    Paws up for the Boss!

    Over the past weeks I have taught Ollie to give me a High Five, such fun! I really should say, High Four as a dog only has four toes. Anyways, Ollie loves doing little tricks and Little Boss (who isn’t actually a boss) keeps practicing these tricks and Ollie gets a lot of treats.

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  • Patiently waiting

    Patiently waiting

    I am a patient. And I am waiting. But, these two do not add up to ‘patiently waiting’. That, my friends, is a fact. When a dog is in a waiting room to be seen by the Cardiologist in a Veterinary Clinic it is Pandemonium, Havoc, Chaos and much more. What it’s not is Patiently Waiting.

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  • Sick as a dog

    Sick as a dog

    Poor Ollie! In the past week he caught something bad and now he has a chest infection and a very, very sore throat which made him panicking and run around the living room.

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